jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Engines tuned

If you want to run more, have no reason to buy another car. The motors can be changed ... the limit is dictated by your budget.

Tuning a car engine means making changes that would make him a better performance. When leaving Fbrica engines are prepared to endure some abuse and "neglect" as you jump or you grind some revision-intensive.

In short, manufacturers ensure that the engine support harsh and still lasts quite. What does that mean? As the engines are a bit "out of tune", so to speak. Its benefits have been reduced to withstand many years with minimal care.
But if you are one of those who pamper their car and engine maintenance wear to the letter, you can be sure stay there, under the hood, there's a lot of power waiting to be released ... Tuneando!
The first and easiest trick to tune an engine using what you already have is simply tune. And ue a tune will suit even the engine easier. This includes changing the air filter, spark plugs, oil and other shares of normal maintenance.
All these elements will wear out over time and change is achieved when the engine running again almost to the original performance as when it was new.
Another relatively simple way to improve is to change an engine electronic control unit (ECU) or modify their programming via a plug-in.

Pictures of cars: Maybach 62s (Interior)
The engine tuneo experts can spend months analyzing the software of a car to find the best program, so that the engine delivers its best for all speeds.
This relatively inexpensive modifications and arguably equivalent to improving the carburetor in an old car gasoline.
But the real tuneo, is to make more profound and radical changes. There, from simple mechanical tricks to sophisticated requiring significant improvements in engine tweaks. For example, you can improve the quality of air, but it can enrich the other ingredient that participates in the combustion gas.
Certain additives may improve the octane number of a gasoline, thereby increasing the pressure required to detonate.
An octane number (RON) tall would, for example, 100. Increasing the octane allow greater understanding of the fuel with air, improving the efficiency of the combustion process in a gasoline engine.
While car manufacturers often use sophisticated exhaust systems that make little noise, if you opt for a more sporty can also improve engine performance.
The explanation is simple, the gases can be more easily and therefore there is a better flow of air into the engine. The exhaust pipes of stainless steel are more efficient because they can admit more flow

Car Makes
Meanwhile, the induction can be enhanced with a special air filter, which ensures that the air flow better.
It is also possible to remove the air flow sensor and at the same time shorten the intake pipe. It is possible to get more power from the normal pumping more air

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